Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Being Andre, Great With Scissors

Yesterday, Jonah told me he is the weather man at school today. The kids in his class alternate jobs such as line leader, snack helper, weather, etc. This week, he is doing weather, telling the kids in the class the weather forecast for the day. When we were talking about this job, I asked if he remembered the weather man on tv named Andre. He didn't, so I told him a bit about Andre and how he goes to our church. He didn't know who I was talking about, so the subject soon dropped.

This morning, he was ready to leave for school and he said to me "Mom, I'm ready to go be Andre!".


I picked him up today and his teacher, Mrs. L, told me "Jonah is doing GREAT with his cutting now. You must be practing with him at home a LOT!!!". We actually haven't practiced. I wish I could say we have. I've tried. He won't do it.
Somehow he has improved, though! :)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Jonah-isms of the Week

Some recent things Jonah said.

We were driving in the car the other night and Jonah said to his father "Daddy, you aren't mentally growned up yet."
Not sure where he got that one.

Last night we were sitting at the dinner table and Jonah said "I'm rockin' the 4's, aren't I?"
Yes, baby. You are definitely rockin' the 4's.

Goofy. Crazy. Amazing. Funny. Odd.

That's my boy.